Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Hell Q

LROC NAC mosaic M1164853645RL, LRO orbit 23561, September 8, 2014; spacecraft and cameras slewed 3° from nadir, 33.17° angle of incidence, 71 cm resolution from 68.29 km over 33.07°S, 355.72°E [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Hell Q (3.75 km; 33°S, 355.53°E) seems younger than Tycho, standing out as it does in the nearside Southern Highlands northeast of the more famous astrobleme. 

There seems little doubt the effect of the larger, far more widespread blast zone from Tycho changed the face of this contemporary but pre-existing smaller crater. The chevron effect left grooves untouched down stream and tore away a chunk of the northeast rim, morphologies apparently perpendicular to a straight line drawn southwest to the more spectacular, 109 million year-old Tycho.

View full resolution views, of a variety of sizes, HERE.

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